The Lord of Lightning
“The Lord of Lightning” (2/4)
Lord of Lightning shifts his gaze
Points his strong finger our way
Electricity escapes
Leaves destruction in his wakeAnd from the Lords electric snare
One goes in his electric chairHis electric trap has electric cyanide
The luckless hostage has been thoroughly friedAnd as the cadaver lay static with open crusted eyes
The smoking corpse began to twitch at my great surprise
Then the figure sprung up and at once it caught alight
And the creature known as Balrog was born that very night…So fast it was, the strike, the flash, the light
Faster than a blink of an eye!
My fellow explorer… some knowledge you must acquire before meeting thee oh mighty Balrog…
He searches quickly for the answer behind the light, the numbers of the Lightning Lord.
>>(link for the 2 form)<< (answer is numbers only)